


Disclaimer: These photos are not artistically perfect and I do not consider them my best work they are raw pictures from my life so you can get to know me better, don’t worry my photography work is much better than this!

If you are looking for a photographer who will make you feel at ease with a camera in your face, while capturing your individual personality with candid and creative shots,

…then you have found the right website my friend! I can’t wait to meet you and seek out a perfect shooting location for you!

Outdoor photoshoots are the bomb! I’ve done photoshoots in pouring rain, in snow blizzards, underwater, high on mountain tops, roof tops, up in a tree, in a water fountain and in broad day light on the beach and I’ve never had so much fun in my life!

If you allow me to get to know you and your personality we will find the perfect photoshoot. It will be perfectly your style while making sure you feel adventurous, free and at ease knowing that I’m getting the shots you’ll be proud to show everyone under the sun!

May I be perfectly honest? If you’re looking for a perfect lit studio and cookie cutter poses with everyone smiling right at the camera, then maybe we aren’t the best fit and that’s OK!

Of course for a wedding or family shoot some of these photos are necessary and I will never complain if you ask me for a few good (christmas card worthy/pics to print for mom) shots.


But keep in mind that the timeless photos are often the perfectly candid shots of you/you and your loved one just enjoying your existence. This is what I live for.

I love the great outdoors and staying active, I’m also ALWAYS open to something unique and creative.

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Now let’s get personal if you feel the need to know me better.IMG_2408

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I’m a wifey to a dashing dark red head of 4 years! We have a 1 year old son who also got lucky with the dark red hair. He’s seriously the fastest crawler (sweating emoji) and the most content, happy baby.

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I am a licensed massage therapist although that is not my passion (my husband is freaked lucky) and my hubby and I are total Apple fans since we worked there together for 4 years. No I am not a brilliant “Genius”.

I love the fresh outdoors and going kayaking, mountain biking, CAMPING, rock climbing, snorkeling, trail running, hot air balloon riding, wake surfing and break dancing! (JK about that last one…)


Any who, I would love to know what kind of photo’s you are looking for so give me a holler and we will create amazing photo’s and memories together!

Oh, and I am fun to work with, at least that’s what I’ve heard…

P.S.  I will except tips in the form of Kit Kat’s